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August 3, 2017

What OCP Means to Me:

Volunteer Actor Spotlight: Judson Cloudt, Age 8

Judson Cloudt (right) as the Pepper Shaker
Beauty and the Beast – 2017
Judson Cloudt is no stranger to the OCP stage.  At eight years old, Judson has already appeared in two productions during the 2016-2017 season, including OCP’s first Disney production, Beauty and the Beast
“I feel very lucky to have been a part of this production because of all the talented adults I was able to spend time with and learn from during our rehearsals and show productions.” Judson says of his experience performing in Beauty and the Beast, “One of the things I really enjoyed was having the opportunity to learn new acting skills from our Henry Fonda Theatre teacher.  When the youth ensemble members were not on stage, we were able to go downstairs and participate in fun and exciting musical theatre activities.” 
Judson isn’t the only one getting involved at OCP.  His mom, Nicole, has already become a season subscriber and supporter for the 2017-2018 season.  “As our family looked over the programming for the upcoming season, we were pleasantly surprised with the diversity of productions on the schedule.  We truly found productions that piqued the interest of all members of our family!  Of course, the kids were both excited to see James and the Giant Peach and Mamma Mia!  My husband and I own land and farm in Douglas and Washington counties; we are both anticipating attending Eminent Domain this fall.  We are all looking forward to each and every one of the upcoming productions!”
As for why she chooses to support OCP?  That’s easy.  “The most important reason we have for supporting OCP are the opportunities it has provided to our 8-year old son.  The growth and positive changes we have seen in him through his involvement with OCP have been absolutely phenomenal!  Not only has he learned how to present himself in front of an audience, but he has also developed his ability to interact and converse with adults in a mature manner.  His participation at OCP has allowed him to extend his self-esteem and self-confidence, developing poise and learning to effectively overcome anxieties.  At a very young age, Judson has experienced and learned both self-reliance as well as collaboration with others in order to reach a goal.  The creativity that is involved in an OCP production has extended to affect Judson’s emotional creativity and has enhanced his perceptions to new ways of seeing the world.  His reading level has absolutely soared, and he has developed an interest in reading classic pieces of literature because of his exposure to OCP.  We feel so fortunate and grateful that Judson has had these opportunities to work with such a plethora of personalities and learn from extraordinarily talented directors.”
The plethora of personalities have not only become teachers to Judson, but family.  “I feel like my family got a lot bigger because I now have a Beauty and the Beast family, too.  I have been on soccer teams and basketball teams, and I am in a 4-H club, but none of those ever feel like a family to me, not the way being a cast member of Beauty and the Beast has made me feel.”
Would you like to help other community members have the kind of life-changing experience that Judson had?  Donate Now!

What’s YOUR story? Do you have a story to share about how OCP has impacted you? If so, we’d love to hear it! E-mail Emily Andres, Development Director