Interested in costume rentals? Contact Kelly Geschwender at (402) 553-4890 for possibilities for entire casts or just principals.
Costume Rental Policy
OCP has a portion of its costume stock available for rental to area theaters and schools. All arrangements must be made with the Costume Shop Manager.
OCP does not rent Halloween or party costumes. Rentals for charity functions can be arranged with Costume Shop Manager.
Basic fees:
Pulling/Restocking Fee
$25 per hour
all shipping fees to be paid by the renter
all fees paid by the renter
All costumes must be laundered or dry cleaned before returning to OCP. Cleaning can also be arranged with our cleaner. The renter will cover all costs of cleaning.
Alterations are not allowed unless permission is granted by OCP. Costumes must be returned in the original condition. No cutting, dying, painting, gluing or distressing is allowed. Alterations, trims, name tags must be removed before returning costumes to OCP. A full replacement price will be charged for any costume or accessory damaged, soiled beyond repair or lost. Do not allow actors to use perfumes when wearing OCP costumes. Return date of costumes will be determined at time of rental.
OCP Costume Shop is not equipped to be a full-time rental facility. In some cases, costumes come from our warehouse as they were returned to us, some repairs may need to be made. These repairs are not eligible for refund unless the costume is returned to us before production date. Arrangements to rent costumes will depend on time available for shop personnel to assist the renter. All of OCP’s costumes have been constructed to fit specific actors so sizing and availability of sizes is limited to stock on hand. The types of costumes are also limited to those shows produced at OCP. Not all of OCP costume stock is available for rental. OCP does not rent wigs, shoes or under garments. No refunds on unused costumes unless returned before the production date.
Payment for rental expected upon return of rental unless other arrangements have been made. Complete contact information for the group renting must be provided.
All policies and prices with regard to renting OCP costumes are subject to change without notice.
Backdrop and Prop Rentals
Interested in prop or backdrop rentals? Contact Andrew Morgan at (402) 553-4890 for prop rentals and Janet Morr at (402) 553-4890 for backdrop rentals.
Scenic Backdrop and Properties Rental Policy
The Omaha Community Playhouse is happy to serve the community by sharing our stock of scenic backdrops and properties. The ever increasing number of rentals has made it necessary to revise our policy. Our production schedule allows a limited amount of time and labor to handle this process. Therefore, we want to ensure smooth transactions with a minimum of time and confusion.
It is advised to call several weeks ahead in order to ensure that we will be open on the date you need the item. You must call ahead to make an appointment with the props or paints departments in regards to rentals. Because of our busy show schedule we are unable to accept walk-ins. Rentals will not be made during tech weeks for our productions, and due to our difficult production schedule, the Prop Department will be closed during the months of February and April. We will be happy to provide you with a calendar of our production season, indicating tech weeks, holidays and all other days we are officially closed.
A mandatory refundable $100 check damage deposit will be required of all borrowers by or before time of pickup.
The deposit will be forfeited in the following case:
Failure to return the item by a specified return date
Failure to check items in with the appropriate staff member (Darin Kuehler for Properties – Michelle Bonker for Backdrops) unless otherwise specified
Failure to return item to its original storage location
Should the item be lost, destroyed, or irreparably damaged the borrower will be held responsible for the total amount of the item.
Items are not to be painted or altered in any way without the permission of the appropriate staff member.
Our stock of painted backdrops is photographed and catalogued for easy viewing. The drops vary in size and are generally equipped with webbing, grommets and ties along the top. Rentals are made under the condition that the drops will be properly hung (i.e. tied to a baton or pipe, or stapled through the webbing) Backdrops must be properly folded and returned in the original packaging.
All organizations are required to make a refundable deposit per backdrop. This may range from $100 to $150 depending on the backdrop.
Rates vary depending on backdrop rented:
Rates- $50-$100 for up to 3 days $100-$150 per week
Replacement Value: Full Stage Drop – $1,000
Small drops, legs or borders – $500
Backdrops may be viewed or picked up by appointment only.
Theatres/Commercial Rate – For all appointments, a $25 per hour fee will be charged please be aware that this does not include the rental fee for the items. Contact the props master for list of rates.
All other organizations (schools, churches, charities) – Due to our heavy production schedule we only rent to theatres. However, we will occasionally loan difficult items to find for a nominal stocking/restocking fee to be determined by the props master. The props master is available for advice on where to find something or how to build something needed for a production.
*Rentals are limited to Tuesdays only. All rentals are by appointment only and must be scheduled by Friday of the week prior.
When picking up furniture and large items, borrowers are expected to provide their own labor, packing materials, ropes and a covered vehicle large enough to transport items safely.