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OCP announces the cast of Murder on the Orient Express

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August 9, 2021

 Congratulations to the cast of Murder on the Orient Express!

Hercule Poirot – Seth Maisel 

James Abuthnot – Billy Ferguson

Mary Debenham – Olivia Howard

Mrs. Helen Hubbard – Connie Lee

Hector MacQueen – Brian Priesman

Monsier Bouc – Ethan Dragon

Princess Dragomiroff – Daena Schwieger

Greta Ohlsson – Roz Parr

Marcel – Adam Bassing

Michel the Conductor – Jay Srygley

Samuel Ratchett – John Brennan

Countess Andrenyi – Jennifer Gilg

Runs September 17 – October 10, 2021 on the Hawks Mainstage! Tickets are on sale now!