Celebrate 100 Years of Theatre with OCP!

Q&A with Tony Schik as Lennie in Of Mice and Men

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February 26, 2019

Tony Schik is Lennie in Of Mice and Men. Check out what Tony has learned from his character.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when developing your character?

The biggest challenges I faced was playing a character that is imposing physically, but was challenged mentally.

In what ways can you relate to your character?

I really relate to the playfulness of Lennie. Although he does some terrible things at times, at his core in his heart, he has such joy for simple, beautiful things and loves sharing them with his best friend.

What life lessons have you learned from your character?

I learned a few things from Lennie. One, to take more joy in the world around me. Even when everything else around us may seem to be falling apart, there is beauty in nature. Two, through all ups and downs of our lives, one thing stays consistent…our family and friends. Cherish them. Celebrate them for who they are, no matter how different they may be.

What excites you most about this show?

I am excited to bring to life another literary classic at OCP and to work with this insanely talented cast and crew! Also, I am excited to act with a former drama student of mine (Steve Catron).

What do you hope the audience will take away from this show?

That this show is still as relevant today as it was 80 years ago and that the classics are never, ever dead, even though the animals and people in them may be.