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Titanic The Musical

Story & Book by Peter Stone
Music & Lyrics by Maury Yeston
Director Susan Baer Collins
Music Director Jim Boggess
Choreographer Michelle Garrity
Assistant Director Adam Bassing
Stage Manager Steve Priesman

This epic musical tells the story of the events leading up to the sinking of the RMS Titanic on her maiden voyage from Southhampton, England to New York City between April 9th and April 15, 1912.  All the characters are based on the real-life stories of actual passengers or crew members who were onboard for the crossing.

The Omaha Community Playhouse is actively re-shaping our organization to be reflective of the community it serves. We practice non-traditional and identity-conscious casting in all our productions. We are seeking and highly encouraging all actors to submit, regardless of race/ethnicity/caste, disability, body type, age, orientation, or gender/gender identity.  

Saturday, February 8th 12:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Sunday, February 9th 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

CALLBACKS: by invitation only
Saturday, February 15th    12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m                                                                                         

Performance Dates
Friday, May 30 – Sunday, June 29, 2025

23 Performances
Wednesday – Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:00 p.m.

 Rehearsals (7 weeks)

  • First Rehearsal: Sunday, April 13th
  • Tech Period: Thursday, May 22nd – Thursday, May 29th
  • Please Note: No Conflicts allowed beginning May 18th


Audition Preparation:
Please prepare 16-32 bars of a musical theatre song. Singers may use live piano accompaniment (please provide marked sheet music if doing so) or a music track. Wear comfortable clothing and dance shoes or sneakers as you will be asked to participate in a brief dance/movement audition.

NOTE: Reading and singing for roles will occur at the Callback Audition.


 Titanic The Musical captures the stories of the officers, crew members and passengers of the ever-fascinating catastrophe of the most luxurious ocean liner in the 1900s. From crew in the boiler room to first-class passengers, from the poorest families who scraped together their life savings to purchase third-class tickets, to some of the wealthiest men of the Victorian age, Titanic captures the entire range of humanity aboard the ship. Showcasing the grand and majestic ship herself with moments of heartbreaking intimacy, this five-time Tony Award®-winning musical ran over 800 performances on Broadway in 1997.

Available Roles / Character Descriptions

 Please Note:  Many actors will be double or even triple cast in roles.  For instance, 1st Class Passengers will double as 3rd Class Passengers, which makes this performance opportunity both interesting and fun!

 Thomas Andrews – Thomas Andrew is the architect who designed the Titanic. He sailed when he was 39 years old. He perished in the sinking, by all accounts a hero working to save as many lives as possible. In the musical, he serves in some ways as our narrator as he sets the stage for the creation of this great ship, Titanic. Andrews was a bright and talented architect who kept his eye on how the ship was doing the entire voyage. Vocal Range: A2-G4.

 Bruce Ismay – Bruce Ismay, 50 years old, was the chairman and managing director of the White Star Line allowing him to claim that he was the “owner” of Titanic. He is known, and portrayed in the musical, as an arrogant man who is fixated on arriving in NY as soon as possible as part of the publicity for Titanic. Unlike most of the first-class men, Ismay survives the sinking aboard one of the lifeboats. Vocal Range: A2-G4

 Captain Smith – Captain Smith, age 62, was a venerated member of the Royal Naval Reserve. He was known as the “Millionaire’s Captain,” often leading the maiden voyage of the White Star Line’s ships. Set to retire, Captain Smith was making his final voyage, when he went down with the Titanic. He was known in life as charismatic and charming, which must balance the enormous weight he carries with staff, crew, and passengers alike. Vocal Range: Bb2 -F4

 Fredrick Barrett – A stoker in the boiler room. Barrett had been working in the coal mines and went to work on the ship for a better life. He leaves behind the love of his life to whom he writes to propose while sailing on the Titanic. Barrett’s arc deals with classism which is a large part of this show’s purpose in a unique way, as he chooses to give up his seat on a lifeboat. Vocal Range: A2-G4

 Harold Bride – 22, was one of two wireless operators on the Titanic who received ice warnings and relayed the SOS call.  A shy and socially awkward young man, he obviously yearns for connection, but stumbles in relationships with other people. He survives the sinking in both the musical and real life. Vocal Range: C3-G4

 Frederick Fleet – 27, was a lookout in the crow’s nest the night of the sinking. With no binoculars in the nest that night and no moon to illuminate the sea, he did not see the iceberg until they were right on top of it. He survives the sinking. Vocal Range: C3-G4

 William Murdoch – 39, was first officer who was qualified to be a captain in his own right but didn’t feel he was up to it. He served as Capt. Smith’s right-hand man. Murdoch was on the bridge when the iceberg was sighted and gave the order that many feel sealed Titanic’s fate (to reverse the engines). Many retellings of the story indicate that he may have taken his own life prior to the final plunging. Vocal Range: C3-F#4

Charles Lightoller – Lightoller was the 2nd Officer, 38 years, he was the highest-ranking officer to survive the sinking. Confident and competent. Vocal Range: C3-D4

 Herbert Pitman – Pitman was 3rd Officer, aged 33. He was placed in charge of lifeboat #5 and survived. Multiple recitative-style solos as he leads the boarding of the ship in the opening number. Vocal Range: C3-G4

 Robert Hitchens – Quartermaster, 29, responsible for steering the ship and carrying out helm instructions. He survives. His lifeboat carried the “unsinkable Molly Brown” who threatened to throw him overboard when he refused to row back to gather survivors from the water.

 Joseph Bell – Chief Engineer, 50 years. We predominantly see him in the show giving orders to Barrett and the other stokers in the Boiler Room.

 Henry Etches – Senior Steward First Class, 41. He had served the first class on many of the White Star ships. He has a lot of pomp and circumstance but is truly focused on serving those in his care. Despite being with Ida and Isador after the lifeboats leave, he does survive just as he did in real life. This character is impacted by classism, the pride he has for his job, the compassion he has for those he serves. Vocal Range (B2-G4)

 Andrew Latimer – Steward 55, served under Etches. The musical uses this character to highlight the differences in the way the classes were treated.

 Bellboy – This character represents the many bellboys who lost their lives on Titanic. He was approximately 14 years of age and tasked with caring for the passengers. Recitative style solos in opening number. This character is a bundle of energy and strives to meet the demands of his position.

 William Hartley – The Band Leader, 33. He is the 1912 version of the cruise director/entertainers. He is engaging and featured vocally in Latest Rag as well as Autumn. Vocal Range: Bb2-G4

 1st Class Passengers John & Marion Thayer – John (49) was the VP of the Pennsylvania Railroad and traveled with his wife Marion (39) and infant son. She survived, while he did not. John and Marion share an extremely moving duet as the passengers work to be loaded into the lifeboats. (American)

1st Class Passengers Isador & Ida Strauss – Isador (67) and Ida (63) perished aboard Titanic in one of the most iconically romantic stories. Ida refused to go without Isador and the two perished on board together. They share a very poignant duet “Still”. Vocal Ranges: Isador (F2-F4), Ida (G3-D5)

 1st Class Passengers Col. John Jacob & Madeleine Astor – Astor (48) and Madeleine (19) were returning from their honeymoon and she was indeed 5 months pregnant (though Alice says she’s 7). Astor was the richest man on the ship and his body was recovered with $25,000 in his pocket. This would have been almost 82,000 today.

 1st Class Passengers George & Eleanor Widener – The Wideners (both 50) are returning from their European search for a new head chef for their hotel. They were the couple who actually hosted the Captains dinner on the final night of the sailing

 1st Class Passenger Benjamin Guggenheim – Guggenheim (46) was a regular cross-Atlantic passenger with a home in Paris. Which is where he met his mistriess, Aubert. He was very active helping women and children in the lifeboats. It is said after that, he got dressed in his best and placed a flower in his lapel to face his death in dignity.

 1st Class Passenger Mme. Aubert – Aubert (24) was a singer in Paris where she met Guggenheim. She survived in lifeboat #9 and then returned to Paris where she is rumored to have led wild parties.

 1st Class Passenger Charlotte Cardoza – Cardoza (58) had Titanic’s most expensive suite and traveled with lots of fashionable clothes, jewelry and yes, four little Pekinese dogs. She was a large game hunter. She challenges the first class men and their exclusion of women. While she has some characteristics of the unsinkable Molly Brown, they are indeed 2 separate women in real life.

 2nd Class Passenger Edgar Beane – American Edgar Beane is goodhearted with a dry wit. He’s booked this passage to satisfy his wife’s desire to hobnob with the wealthy and to see the world. This actor will need to show both his curmudgeon-like quality as well as his deep devotion to his wife. Vocal Range G2-D4

 2nd Class Passenger Alice Beane – Alice is seen as the comic relief, but she is 100% sincere in her love of the celebrities and her desire for what she views as a better life. She introduces all of the first class in her opening solo and is featured in other songs. Though most of the show we see Alice actively pursuing this glamourous life she dreams of, the actor should take care to never lose sight that she WANTS her husband with her. Vocal Range: G2-D4

 2nd Class Passenger Charles Clark – Though the real Charles Clarke was on the ship with his family, the plot line of the this story has him running to America to marry his fiance since her first class family doesn’t approve of him. He is in the news business. He has a heartwrenching solo when he says good bye to Caroline. Vocal Range: B2-F#4

 2nd Class Passenger Caroline Neville – Caroline Neville is Charles’ fiance. She was raised in first class and fell in love with a second-class man and she is off to America to marry him. She has a great sense of humor. Vocal Range: Bb2-Eb4

 3rd Class Passenger Kate McGowen  – Kate’s name in real life was Kate Gilnagh. Much of the story line for McGowen is fabricated for the show. She escaping Ireland to America searching for a better life for herself and the baby that she carries. She falls in love with Jim Farrell. She leads the moving song, “Lady’s Maid” Vocal Range: A3-F5

 3rd Class Passenger Kate Mullins – The real Kate Mullin was on her way to join her sister in America and become a maid. In the show Kate is fully amazed by the scope of Titanic and its grandeur. Vocal Range: G3-F5

 3rd Class Passenger Kate Murphy – In real life it’s believed she was escaping her overbearing big brother’s grasp. In the show she’s self-sufficient and a tough nut. Vocal Range: G3-F5

3rd Class Passenger Jim Farrell – He’s the love interest of Kate McGowen. Pleasant boyish charm and engaging character. In real life while Jim Farrell perished (survives in show) he saved the life of multiple 3rd class women (including the Kates) by shaming the crewman holding them back. (Irish) Vocal Range: B2-F#4

 Other Ensemble Roles Include

  • Crewmen, Stevedore in service to the ship and the cargo onboard
  • Stewardesses – service staterooms, serve at table, esp. for 1st Class
  • Stewards – Each attends to various members of the 3 classes of passengers
  • Frank Carlson – American who is too late to board the ship and is left behind.
  • Boxhall – 4th Officer on the Titanic
  • Stokers – Men who work in the boiler room, shoveling coal, stoking the fire
  • The DaMicos – professional dance couple onboard for the entertainment of the 1st Class passengers
  • German Woman – 3rd Class passenger, featured in “Lady’s Maid” number
  • Italian Couple – 3rd Class passenger, featured in “Lady’s Maid” number
  • Additional 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class Passengers

Video Audition Option Available

We are also accepting self-tape video auditions if you are unable to attend.

On The Video: Please give us your name and the name of the song you are singing.  We prefer to have you sing 32 or so bars of a musical theatre song.  Also, if you have a dance video sample or reel, please include that as well.

Select ‘Video’ on the audition form and send a link to your video on any major hosting platform (YouTube, Vimeo, etc) to epotter@omahaplayhouse.com The deadline to receive video auditions will be Wednesday, February 12th @ 5:00pm.

Click HERE to sign up for an audition appointment!

Be sure to write down your appointment time! You’ll receive a confirmation pop-up window upon submission of the form, and a confirmation email a couple days before the audition.



Jimmy Buffet’s Escape to Margaritaville

Book by Greg Garcia & Mike O’Malley
Music & Lyrics by Jimmy Buffett
Directed by Mackenzie Zielke
Music Directed by Boston Reid
Choreographed by Melanie Epps

January 4th –  12:30pm-4:30pm
January 5th – 6pm-10pm
January 6th – 6pm-10pm
January 9th – 6pm-10pm (Callbacks)

Performance Dates:
April 18th – May 11th, 2025 *No Show Easter 4/20

17 Performances (Wednesday – Saturdays at 7:30pm and Sundays at 2:00pm)

Rehearsals (7 Weeks

First Rehearsal: March 2nd

Tech Week: April 13th – 17th

*No conflicts allowed starting on April 6th.


Please prepare 16-32 bars of a musical theatre song OR Jimmy Buffett selection. Singers may use live piano accompaniment (provide marked sheet music if doing so), a track, or bring a guitar to accompany themselves. Those who play for their audition should be prepared to sing another selection and should bring sheet music or a track. Wear comfortable clothing and dance shoes or sneakers as you will be asked to participate in a brief dance/movement call.

Available Roles:
Male – 27-39
Smooth-talking, self-deprecating playboy. He’s completely content with the life he’s chosen as the singer/bartender at a tropical resort, until he meets Rachel, a vacationer who upends his heart. Guitar skills are useful.

Female – 27-33
Fully committed to her job and helping the world. Willing to put in as many hours of hard work as it takes and expects everyone else to do theat same. Suspicious of fools and operators, Rachel is not easily distracted from her life plan.

Female – 30-39
Loyal friend to Rachel. Sees the best in people and has a zest for life that is often squelched by her fiance, Chad. Her low self-esteem manifests itself as denial in her own life.

Male – 30-39
The Island bartender. Has a big heart and a good friend to Tully. Not the brightest bulb, but sensitive and thoughtful.

Female – 40-49
No-nonsense and assertive with an island accent. She runs the resort and keeps everyone in check, but clearly cares about her employees, her customers, and J.D., an older island denizen. Great singer.

Male – 60-79
A funny, endearing older man who always has a parrot on his shoulder. He’s losing his vision and his hearing, but won’t acknowledge it. A good-natured drunkard, he’s always writing his memoirs on bar napkins and, as it turns out, he’s lived a full life.

Ensemble (10)
Jamal/Ted Chadd Goon #1 Goon #2 Cloud Jesus Vacation Guests


If unable to attend auditions we are accepting video submissions- Select ‘video’ on the appointment section of audition form and email a private link to your video to epotter@omahaplayhouse.com

Click HERE to sign up for an audition.




Upcoming Auditions

Escape to Margaritaville
January 4th –  12:30pm-4:30pm
January 5th – 6pm-10pm
January 6th – 6pm-10pm
January 9th – 6pm-10pm (Callbacks)

Titanic – The Musical
February 8th – 12:30pm-5:30pm
February 9th – 11:00am-3:00pm
February 15th  – 12:30pm-5:00pm (Callbacks)

Through upholding high ethical standards, demonstrating respect for all and consciously working to provide diverse representation, OCP is committed to creating an inclusive and safe environment in which all community members feel a sense of belonging and does not discriminate in casting practices on the basis of an individual’s ethnicity, age, gender, physical and cognitive ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, country of origin or other factors. Omaha Community Playhouse is committed to diverse and inclusive casting.