Celebrate 100 Years of Theatre with OCP!

OCP Directing Fellowship

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July 12, 2018

Omaha Community Playhouse Directing Fellowship Announced

In an effort to support the development of future Omaha directors, Omaha Community Playhouse is excited to announce the Omaha Community Playhouse Directing Fellowship, providing early and mid- career directors with the opportunity to develop their skills by directing an OCP Alternative Programming production, as well as assisting directing a regular OCP season musical or play. 
The 2018/19 Directing Fellowship inaugural class includes Emily Mokrycki, Breanna Carodine, Christopher Scott, Kaitlyn McClincy, Kevin Goshorn, Joey Galda, Caitlin Mabon, Mackenzie Dehmer and Marie Amthor Schuett. The directing fellows will be working alongside OCP lead directors Kimberly Faith Hickman, Roxanne Wach, Beth Thompson, Ablan Roblin, Anthony Clark-Kaczmarek and Amy Lane. 
“Theatrical directing is a difficult field to enter and one that leaves many people unsure of how to even begin. I believe that OCP has a responsibility to support the development of community-based artists, and I am thrilled that we are able to provide this opportunity,” said OCP Artistic Director Kimberly Faith Hickman.  
In addition to directing a staged reading of a play or musical for OCP’s Alternative Programming season, the fellowship provides the opportunity to assistant direct, which includes access to an entire pre-production and rehearsal process as a lead director directs a play or musical. This fellowship will present a new generation of gifted artists with a unique education and understanding of the directorial skills necessary to create theatre, the workings of Omaha’s leading organization for community based theatre and education, as well as the leadership of artists shaping Omaha’s theatrical landscape.
Applicants admitted into the program will be put into a pool from which OCP’s Artistic Director will select Fellows for the upcoming season. Generally, Fellows will direct a production in the OCP Alternative Programming season, as well as assist a lead director for one regular season production. While directing an Alt Programming production, a Fellows’ schedule and duties will include coordinating with the OCP Artistic Director and the Executive/Artistic Assistant regarding casting and rehearsal schedules, coordinating with the Alt Programming actors and creating a rehearsal schedule, attending all rehearsals and the performance.  While assistant directing for a regular OCP production, a Fellows’ schedule and duties may vary widely based on their personal strengths and the director they are paired with, but may include observership, dramaturgy, note-taking and generally supporting the various people in the rehearsal room.
Directing Fellowship applications for upcoming seasons are due on April 1st of each year. Applicants should send a cover letter and theatrical resume. The next application deadline will be April 1, 2019 for consideration for the 2019/20 season. Please visit www.omahaplayhouse.com for more information.